Command syntax:
ncl 'file_in=""' 'file_out=""' wrfout_to_cf.ncl
- The file input and output values can be set by replacing and to the desired file names.
- Alternatively, the variables file_out and file_in can be
set in the script (see values shortly after the start of
the main program in the script) and then there is no need
to specify the file names when calling the NCL script.
- A csh script can also be created that calls the NCL
program with the wrfout_to_cf.ncl script and file names
Output variables:
The selected output variables are
determined by setting two attribute variables in the script to
True (include). One flag designates that any or all of a block
of variables are to be output. For example, the attribute
out2dMet indicates that the selected 2dMet variables will be
included in the output. A second flag is set for the individual
variables within a block. For example if out2dMet@T_sfc and
out2dMet@T_2m are set to True then T_sfc and T_2m will be
included in the output. See the variables page for a listing of
the available output fields.
A single variable or a block of variables can be excluded from
the output by setting the individual or the block attribute to
False (exclude). For example, setting the attribute out2dMet to
False means that all 2dMet variables will not be included, no
matter how the individual attributes are set.
There are two slp calculations included in this script. The
first (slp) ; is based on the slp calculation which is a part of
the wrf_ncl programs. ; The second (slp_b) is based on a
calculation using only the lowest model ; level. If only one of
the two are selected, the netcdf output variable ; is slp. If
both are selected then the output variables are slp and slp_b.
Additional Settings:
TimeUnits [ex: TimeUnits = "hours since 2001-01-01 00:00:00"]
- Sets the units for the starting value for the CF time
pressure [ex: pressure = (/1000.,850.,700.,500.,300./)]
- Sets the values of the pressure levels for all variables
outputted on pressure levels.
limTime [ex: limTime = (/3,7/)]
- Allows for sub-setting the CF output file for a range of
times from the original wrfout file. Setting the initial
value to 0 and the second value to something greater than
the number of times in the wrfout file outputs all
times. Setting the variable to (/0,9999/) will output
all times.
limS_N [ex: limS_N = (/45,256/)]
- Allows for sub-setting the output file to a range in the
S_N grid. Setting the variable to (/0,9999/) will
output the entire S_N dimension of the domain.
limW_E [ex: limW_E = (/41,151/)]
- Allows for sub-setting the output file to a range in the
W_E grid. Setting the variable to (/0,9999/) will output the
entire W_E dimension of the domain.
limPres [ex: limPres = (/0,4/)]
- Allows for sub-setting the output file to a range of
pressure levels for all pressure level output. The
pressure levels are set by the variable pressure.
Setting the variable to (/0,9999/) will output all pressure
levels specified by the variable pressure.
limEta [ex: limEta = (/0,19/)]
- Allows for sub-setting the output file to a range of eta
levels for all eta level output. Setting the variable
to (/0,9999/) will output all eta levels.
limSoil [ex: limSoil = (/0,3/)]
- Allows for sub-setting the output file to a range of soil
levels for all soil level output. Setting the variable
to (/0,9999/) will output all soil levels.
outPtop [True/False]
- The WRFOUT file contains the variable P_TOP. This
variable is not necessarily a variable commonly used for
research other than model evaluation or analysis of what the
model is doing. Setting to True will include the
variable in the output file.
outDateTime [True/False]
- Include a yyyymmddhh field in the output file.
Note: this variable does not show minutes therefore it
is not very useful when sub-hourly output time intervals.
outUTCDate [True/False]
- Include yr, mo, dy, hr, mn fields in the output file.
C-shell Scripts:
- The wrfout_to_cf script is deliberately written to process
one file at a time. This was done to keep the script
simple and focused. If multiple native wrfout files
are to be processed they can be done through another NCL
script or by using a c-shell script. The following are
two examples of c-shell scripts that can be used to process
multiple wrfout files.
- Option 1: Process all wrfout_d* files located in the
current directory:
#!/bin/csh -f
# list the files in the directory, loop through each file
foreach file_pre (`ls wrfout_d* | sed 's/\:00\:00//g'`)
# set the file_in and file_out values
set file_in = {$file_pre}:00:00
set file_out = {$file_pre}
# run the wrfout_to_cf NCL script
ncl 'file_in="'{$file_in}'"' 'file_out="'{$file_out}'"' wrfout_to_cf.ncl
- Option 2: Loop through a series of years, months,
days, and forecast initial times processing whole files for
the WRF simulation.
#!/bin/csh -f
# set the constants for the year, month, hour of forecast, and domain
set yyyy = ('2001' '2002' '2003' '2004' '2005' '2006' '2007' '2008' \
'2009' '2010' '2011' '2012' '2013' '2014' '2015' '2016')
set mm = ('01' '02' '03' '04' '05' '06' '07' '08' '09' '10' '11' '12')
set hr = ('00' '12')
set dom = ('1' '2' '3')
#set the domain
n = 1
#initiate the loop through the years
set y = 12
while ($y <= 12)
#initiate the loop through the months
set m = 1
while ($m <= 2)
#set the variable for year and month
set yyyymm = ${yyyy[$y]}${mm[$m]}
# iniate the loop through the days of the month
set d = 17
while ($d <= 17)
# set the string for the day of the month
if ($d < 10) then
set dd = 0{$d}
set dd = {$d}
# set the variable for year, month, and day
set yyyymmdd = $yyyymm$dd
# initiate the loop through the forecast simulations
set h = 1
while ($h <= 1)
# set the variable for year, month, day, and hour
set yyyymmddhh = $yyyymmdd${hr[$h]}
echo $yyyymmddhh
# set the file_in and file_out names
set file_in = wrfout_d0${dom[$n]}_${yyyy[$y]}-${mm[$m]}-${dd}_${hr[$h]}:00:00
set file_out = {$yyyymmddhh}
# run the wrfout_to_cf NCL script
ncl 'file_in="'{$file_in}'"' 'file_out="'{$file_out}'"' wrfout_to_cf.ncl
@ h ++
@ d ++
@ m ++
@ y ++